Three other people are standing in line besides myself. A middle aged woman in front has just bought a dollar lottery ticket, she steps to the side. Intrigued, watching as she scratches the ticket, a loser. Stepping back into the front of the line she reaches into her imitation fur coat, the kind that was all the rage for two weeks in March 1965, she lays down another dollar.

Paying for my purchases I step to the side, pretending to be engrossed in the cover of TIME. Three more times, one step over and the practiced movement of scratching the ticket. Counting out change to buy the third and final ticket, the emotionless exit when she leaves.

"When my settlement comes in, I'll be set for life". He shows me his disfigured hand one finger sewn back on. "I was a little drunk but they should of had a sign saying `Loose Gravel'.

" Those damn Japanese own two thirds of this country". He's unemployed, drinking coffee at a Winchill's. "And the Mexicans are taking all the jobs". Hitler's Jews for the 90's.

Two hundred and fifty four people died while riding in the back of pick up trucks, it is now against the law in California to do so.

"He just held me against the wall, he didn't hit me. He was just frustrated", she says. A young black couple married for five years, having grown apart, yet still caring about each other.

" I would like to see if there are any priors" the D.A. asks.

"He has never ever hit me, your Honor" she reiterates. Thirty minutes later a bailiff comes in "No Wants, Warrants or priors".

"Be that as it may the people have a responsiblity to this woman", the D.A. says.

"I don't want to press charges" the wife pleads.

The people would like to hold the matter over, the young man is lead away.

Thirty billion dollars, Getty's stake in Texaco. Take the money and run. Take it to the Cayman Islands along with it how many jobs, how much in employer taxes, employee taxes, sales tax lost. It's my ball and I don't want to play,.. Ayn Rand where are you?

5700 acres of lush forest burnt, seventy miles away another fire takes 2000 homes and 29 lives. "It's such a shame to see all those beautiful trees burn". Lady, twenty nine people died, thousands left homeless. "It really hurts me to see those poor trees".

The waters are calm

The reflection is of me

A splash breaks the silence

Ripples disturb the sea

The waters are calm

The reflection is of me