He is a good looking man this television evangelist. Impeccably dressed hair perfect, carried maybe a B in Drama 101. "Yes you to can insure your place in the kingdom of God." Fourteen ninety five,..tax not included.
And the lord said: "My spirit shall not always strive with man, for that he also is flesh." Genesis 6:3
Pondering the subject of God and death. Having the voices within change the subject, distort the subject, avoid the subject.
Cheating death, trying to get a glimpse of God. Those times when you have verily fucked up, your mind is at overload, you have changed it's reality, the voices stop.
Pure, indescribable as if color had warmth and warmth had color. Would three `hits' of `window pane' accomplish what a leap from a bridge does for me now? Expose that inner self, the `ID', crash through the placenta my mind has built, elongating, succeeding in feeling the color never seeing the warmth. ..for that he also is flesh...
Another self within holds all that is pure, it can acknowledge what the mind cannot, where the mind seeks dominance, it seeks convergence. There are times when thoughts or words ring true . As if they had reached in and touched the other. A blind man within can feel but cannot see, wearing shades to stop what little light that still filters thorough. Gaining sight, tossing away the shades, his first sight being the mutilated carcass of a road kill,.beautiful, just beautiful!!
The soul cries out, unable to remove the layers of thought our minds have encased it in. "Put your hand on the screen can you feel it?, I know you can feel God." Inudated with words a sprinkling of truth, leaping out, hoping to touch the few. People dwell in the house of God for fear of dwelling in their own...tax is not included.
Kind of a Casteneda reference here again. “stopping the world” / stopping internal dialogue is something we talked about often. The difficulty of it. What it is like when it happens. Striving to cut off the habit, the automatic in search of something pure. And that's why he jumped. A moment of pure execution. You don't have space to think or to doubt. Do either and you will die.
Mike sought his quiet in the leap while at the time I sought mine in LSD. Funny to see him reference it here because it wasn't too much later I gave him some really good acid for his birthday and invited him to join my tripping buddies on a beach day. He had long been curious but had some trepidation about the possibility of being forced to face something he wasn't ready to see. He'd leap off a building but *this* scared him.
I put the following words and two hits of ”Flying Eyeball” into an envelope on his birthday around 1991.
Playing with your mind.
It's a scary thought isn't it ?
No big deal, really, after all it's only your
sanity at stake.
LSD will throw you into a world quite unlike
the world that you're used to seeing. Not much
different, on the cosmic scale, but enough so
that when you come back part of that world
stays with you.
Aw, but the risk of venturing into a state of
being that you don't want to enter. Relax,
find something trippy to gaze on, and tell
that voice in your head to shut the fuck up !
14 hours in and we were all still seeing “fractals” as he called them. First time tripping, got the good stuff and Mike handled it like a champion.